Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday update

Things have been happening at the ol' One thread Two thread residence. Top of the list is the newly painted warp that is happily simmering on the stove right now. I was also at the Carleton Artist Market this weekend and it was a Red Hat convention. As in the Red Hat ladies were here and from the looks of it, they had a blast! Luckily, two weeks ago, I was at Fabricville with Liz and found a fat quarter of red hat fabric for the low low price of $1. I did my stiffening trick and made some cranes and antelope. And some of those red hat ladies liked them so much that they took them home! For those of you who have no idea about what I am talking, here are one of each. I think that you can figure out which is which. For more info on the red hat ladies, google is your friend.

While there I folded a bunch more and they only await the finishing touches before they too get displayed for sale.

I also finished another temari ball. This one in browns on a white background. Picture pending.

I have another gallery in Gagetown that is wanting some of my stuff to sell. Yeah!!!

And if that don't beat all, THE SUN IS SHINING TODAY! About time. I was starting to grow moss on my feet from all of the wet and rain that we have had.

I also found "the" shawl pattern. I had been waffling between two patterns and having such a hard time because neither was exactly what I wanted. That has all changed now! More on that later.


Leigh said...

You've been busy! Congratulations for being in demand by the galleries.

Mia said...

Ohhhh... can't wait to see the shawl! And do you believe just this past weekend I bought an origami kit at Borders for half price?!

The fabric pieces you've made are awesome! Sounds like you've got some good karma happenin' over there!!

Dudleyspinner said...


great news on the sales. Me, I am dragging my dog and pony show on the road. Estes Park will be a blast. Teaching one day and selling for a couple more... If I can stay away from the alpaca vendors all will be well. I have a thing about alpaca.

Unknown said...

Having received one of your lovely origami treats I can certainly attest to how terrific they are. Congrats on the gallery - you are going to be one busy busy artist! You so deserve it!