Unlike yesterday. Remember the warp drying outside in the sun? Those of you who reside in the lovely city of Fredericton will also remember the thunder showers accompanied by torrential rains yesterday afternoon. I was out setting up for this morning and didn't think about my formerly dry warp. It got a little wet. So in it came to be slung over the shower curtain rod in the bathroom. Hopefully it will dry out by later today and I can start to warp my loom.
And remember me mentioning lace socks a while back? I'd show them to you, but you've all seen a ball of yarn and empty needles. Don't ask me what happened. Let's just say that beer and lace don't mix. At least for me they don't. Some of you out there, not mentioning any names, Kate, may be able to do it. But not I.
So I think that today has been a two steps forward one step back sort of day.

And just cause she's so cute, here's my "baby in a bucket" which is what she calls herself every time she is fortunate enough to find a clean empty bucket in her range.
And she is a cutie! Made my day.
Oh, she's cute alright. And she's the delight of our home these days. The other kids just love her, and Jackie and I are totally smitten. None of us ever imagined just how wonderful our last one would be. I feel sorry for people who speak of the "terrible twos". This little two-year-old is the polar opposite of terrible. I am so going to miss it when she's too big to pick up in one arm. Coming home from work every day and having someone run to the door to greet you with a hug just can't be topped. It's the best part of my day. Our "baby in a bucket" is a real treasure.
man, what will we all do when she gets to be Baby no more? she is after all the neighbourhood baby fix!
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