Sunday, May 04, 2008


I have had my hoya for about 12 years. It had never bloomed. No big surprise seeing as it was in a dark corner. Our house has very little direct sunlight that comes in through the windows. I move it to one of the few windows that does get a bit of light in the kitchen.

Last night I walked by the plant and smelled a very sweet smell. Lo and behold! It had bloomed! I had noticed and rejoiced in the buds a couple of weeks ago but hadn't realized that they were so close to blooming.

There are several more bud clusters around the plant so I shall be enjoying their loveliness for a while yet.
And the flood waters around here have receded quite a bit. I still haven't heard what is happening at the school. And I haven't been able to get in touch with my parents yet today to see what is going on out there.


David T. Macknet said...

Hope all's well with the floods!

Umm... what's a Hoya? Have you any larger pictures?

Anonymous said...

My Hoya plants are just starting to bud. I can't wait for the exotic perfume they emit at around 10 o'clock at night. I can even smell them from upstairs. Mine have an awful lot of flower stems. The flower stems that are left after they bloom should not be cut as they bloom from the same stems year after year.

A Hoya plant is a vine with waxy leaves. They need sun to bloom.

They are easy to grow from cuttings.

I see that Curious Llama is back at bloging.

The barn clean-up after the flood has begun. What a massive job.


I am Curious Llama. said...

Hoyas! Now that is a magic smell! Mamoos hoya used to do very well until the additional sunroom cut out the sunlight to the hoyas. Talking about magical plant smells, one of the best for me was in Corfu, an island off the coast of Greece. This was my first trip to the Med. I remember being by and old fort and just smelling the most wonderful sent in the world. I was travelling with Jonathan's mother, Margaret. She identified the scent as jasmine. I tried for years to grow jasmine. I gave up because I think that genocide is a bad thing. Gardinia comes a close second to jasmine. I have killed a lot of gardineas as well. I now stick to rosemary, which is the one thing that seems to thrive no matter what Scotland tosses at my balcony. Jasmine lives like a weed in Greece. Ironically, rhodedendriums grow like weeds in Scotland. I know that Mamoo has has a failed attempt at getting these to grow in New Brusnswick.

KansasA said...

That is a very pretty flower Jackie. I've never heard of a Hoya before, it almost looks as if the leaves are "cupping" the blossoms.