Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New York Day 3 (part 3 )

After the Amazing Fashioning Felt show, we headed down the street to the MET again. Entrance to the Cloisters automatically gets you into the MET so I wanted to take advantage of that. I didn't take any pictures when I was there on Sunday (the lack of batteries in the camera thing), so I wanted to take a few pictures of things that I had seen that I thought that the kids might like. There were also a few things that I really liked. The new American Art wing opened that day also and so I took a quick run through.

Here is a Frank Lloyd Wright window. They had a whole room that he had designed. I really wish that I could have spent more time there. As it was, I was very conscious of the time deadline.

There was also the Egyptian Temple. Inside of the MET. In the atrium. I love that there are so many people around so that you can get an idea of the scale of the temple and the room.
Here is one of the devotional carved balls that some amazing unnamed artist had carved lord only knows how many years ago. You can click on the image to enlarge it. Even though it is a little blurry close up (no flash and all) I think that it is worth your while.

Knights in armour on their armoured mounts. What is not to love!

A beautiful carved tea pot from the Orient.
After the MET Linda and I hopped on to a bus and headed down to Washington Square. A few days earlier, I had bought a pashmina scarf from a street vendor for $5. I kicked myself many times for only buying one. One of the things that I wanted to do before leaving was find pashmina man, as we called him, and get a few more. While we were on the bus, during rush hour traffic, I spied a sign crying out that someone had pashmina scarves for sale. We hopped off of the bus and I was able to get a few more. Ok. Maybe 6 more. I even gave one away to my friend Anne. But I had a very hard time choosing. A very very hard time choosing. Made me wish that I had bought 10 more.

Pashmina Man was set up across from this building. Those are trees that you see. About 3 stories up. I have to admit that I feel somewhat sorry for those trees. They have no where to grow. Maybe they are glorified bonsai trees but at least I doubt that they have to worry about dogs having their way around their trunks.

Linda wanted to see the Crystler Building up close, and happy that I had secured my pashmina scarves I readily agreed. The sun was going down and the building was glowing.
When we were closer, I took another photo that was a little more exaggerated.

We the hopped in a cab and went down to Washington Square which is just above Greenwich Village and Soho.

After wandering around and deciding on a pizza place that didn't have a liquor licence, we secured a bottle of wine and had a wonderful supper. Food was so amazing in New York. I think that I was saved from myself because I walked miles every day.
While we were eating, I noticed the adverts on the top of a couple of taxis. Toto, we really weren't in Kansas anymore!

Then it was back to the hostel and more beer on the terrace. I didn't care how late we stayed up or how much I drank because I knew that I was going to spend the greater part of the next day being relatively brain dead on a bus.

Tomorrow....good bye New York


mira's papa said...

Hard to make out what is on the Taxis. Can you spell it out?

Jackie said...

Flash Dancers Gentleman's Club.

Julia said...

Glad that you had a good time and a lot of diversions.
Thanks for taking the time to share your adventure with us. I don't think that I could live that fast NY pace for very long... I love Fredericton.

KansasA said...

Quite the detail on the carved balls, must've taken ages to make.
Well if I ever get to NY I'm stopping at your place, grabbing you, and we can go together. :) You see the best stuff!