Here is a blog entry.
Bill has been complaining that I haven't been blogging enough lately. So I am making a special entry just for him.
Yesterday, the day started off with blueberry jam making ( 4 pints, 6 1/2 pints) followed by a trip downtown to run some errands and see the casemates show that I am in. It is a group show of all the artists in residence from the casemates that I was in earlier in the summer. Sorry, I had no camera at the time, but I will try and get some photos up soon. There are some very nice works by some very talented people. Everything from stain glass combined with felt to my weaving, to pottery and drawings and paintings. Then it was off to Liz's house to harvest grapes and back to my place to process them. 1 pint and 6 1/2 pints later (4 pints for Liz) it was time to collect kids.
In the mean time, cucumbers for Lady Ashburnham pickles are being chopped and salted and ready for processing.... tomorrow. I was going to do it today, but I just couldn't face it.
As an aside, I went shopping with Mira yesterday. This is a big deal because Mira HATESHATESHATES shopping. Except for grocery stores. Because grocery stores have lemons. But I digress.
In any case, we went shopping yesterday. With Mira it is something that you have to work up to. Warn her weeks in advance that we are going to buy her new pants because she grew 6 inches over the summer and the pants that fit her in June just don't fit any more. We went to the (evil) mall. We found pants that fit. We bought two pairs because that was how many pairs that there were. Same colour, same style. I care not. We came home. I washed the new pants that fit. She puts them on this morning and.... they were flood pants. Just as bad (almost) as the ones that I physically ripped from her body last week. So after another trip to the mall, I just couldn't face cooking more pickles. Not today. The cukes are salted and will defiantly keep until tomorrow afternoon.
And now for something completely different....I had a package arrive in the mail yesterday. My sister, Nicole, was in Bolivia this summer and picked me up some alpaca yarn. Unfortunately, it is not 100% alpaca. It just didn't feel quite right and so I did a burn test and there is definitely some sort of synthetic in it. It has wool because you can smell it, but that hard plastic bead.....hmmm. I will see how it dyes and weaves up. It is still a beautiful yarn. Very soft. Very colourful. I am thinking of shawls.

And Simon got a harmonica today. This evening he was out on the front step playing it (doing quite a good job I might add) and calling out " 10 cents for a 2 minute show". Then I heard him say " Wow! I got my first customer!" Someone had dropped some change in the little plastic cup that he had out beside him. He was thrilled. We all had a good laugh.
I'm off to bed. It's market day in the morning. Good night all.
Good enough for you, boyo?