Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Rain, freezing rain, ice pellets, and snow

20 cm of snow followed by an indeterminate amount of ice pellets and freezing rain turning into 25 mm of rain? Hello! Some consistency here would be nice.

How much do you want to bet that I am NOT going into work tomorrow? Thursday is my dyeing day. I look forward to it every week. I get to spend all day in the dye kitchen playing. Sigh. What's not to love?


Anonymous said...

Jackie, I always enjoy reading your blog and look forward to checking it every day. You always have such an interesting way of expressing your feelings and thoughts. By the way love that hat you finished knitting yesterday. Could I borrow the pattern to knit one for myself? Would Briggs and Little Tuffy yarn work well for that project? It is 80% pure wool and 20% Nylon.

Anonymous said...

After our brief ice storm last night that caused lots of problems (the Defense Dude Robert Gates slipped and fell at his home fracturing his shoulder) well I don't know if I should be telling you this, but it's supposed to be 52*F here on Friday.

Our weather is consistent, insomuch that it gets super cold and then becomes whacky warm.

I'm with Mamoo, I like the hat. My man has an unnaturally large head and I'm sure it would take a herd of sheep's worth of wool to have enough wool to make a hat fit him. I think if we ever get married, we'll adopt.