Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snow Day. The Valentine's Edition.

As suspected, schools are closed today, roads are in horrible condition, both UNB and the Craft College are closed until noon. I won't be going in this afternoon because I don't want my mom (the babysitter) to have to drive on slippery roads.

Here is a shot of yesterday that I took on the way home.
This mornings offering of the house across the street.
Streets and the driveway that are icy. The city crews are concentrating on the roads and the sidewalks on the main streets. Which means that our sidewalk will probably not be plowed for a couple of days. I am NOT looking forward to walking on them.

And yesterday after I got home from work, Liam and I set off for the grocery store to pick up a few things for supper tonight. I was short a few esential items for Scandinavian Chicken Salad. that is going to be our supper tonight and the forcast was for rain yesterday evening. I didn't want to be out in it.
Liam (not surprisingly) said that he wanted a treat, and I agreed on the condition that he act as my pack mule and carry the groceries home. He readily agreed. We ended up in the junk food isle and he chose a sugary drink. He only complained a little bit on the way home.
I can harldy wait for supper time!

Update: the link to the recipe is fixed. Thanks to Bill for pointing it out to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that. I can hardly wait for dinner. I love that recipe. By the way dear, the link to it didn't work for me. Wha' happened?

The walk in to work wasn't too bad. A bit slippery, but the worst was the steps at my building. They weren't cleared at all and were covered with ice. It was a bit tricky to get up them and not fall. The building was dead quiet all morning, and only now, at 12:27:51 PM is there a bit of foot traffic starting to move in here. Time for a quick bite to eat and then back at it.