Sunday, October 19, 2008

Post Cards from the Selv-edge

The October Edition.....
It seems that we are back on track as far as postcards go. I have three left to go. As the postcards have passed from hand to hand, I thought that they would be harder and harder to work on. In fact the reverse has happened. Maybe I have become less precious with each one, or maybe other peoples ideas and sensibilities don't jive with mine. In the last few there has been something that has "bothered" me. In this one, I found a few things in the last few days that I had hidden around my house that needed to be added.

Here is the front "before" shot. I didn't do anything to the front this time but add a couple of extra stamps to the stamp to the pocket that has the stamps. Before, there were stamps from Canada and the US. I added three. One from Australia, one from India, and one from the UK.
Here is the back.

I added a long length of organza and sandwiched in between the original organza and the new piece, I enclosed a poem that came out of a heart shaped bath bomb from Lush. ( Which, it seems, they do not make any more). I'm not quite sure why I wanted the long piece of cloth hanging from this one, but it seemed important.

Detail of the enclosed poem. I almost feel that I should keep it for a few more days and add some words to the banner. It is due to go out tomorrow.

Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love what you did with the postcard. The poem is very romantic and I just thought that it would be very appropriate for Valentine also.

Stamps and destination are needed to mail a postcard.

There is still water in this postcard. Water and love are very life giving.
