Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Barn Raising

Note: I had to remove certain pictures because of complaints from occupational health and safety.

I was unable to be at the barn raising, but Mamoo (photographer extraordinaire) sent pictures and gave the commentary. (Thanks Mamoo)

Last week, the wall frames were built.

This is the first rafter with closed end that was attached to the portion of the barn by the milking parlor. The part that was covered with clear plastic.
The second rafter being hoisted by the crane.
This is about the fifth rafter and the boys are getting the hang of it.
The sun is shining but it is cold and breezy up there.
Coming close to the end of the 177 feet building
The last rafter is being installed
More framing going up on the end of the building.

Hooray for those brave and valiant volunteer men working in the cold all day. They were partially rewarded by a turkey lunch put on by my parents church.
They were also rewarded by the knowledge that in the farming community, a helping hand is always there.

To bad more people couldn't be like farmers.


Anonymous said...

Additional comments:
There were 25 men who showed up with hammer and the necessary tool belts, warm clothing to work on the barn. We had farmers of all ages. Even old age could not keep them from working on the rafters in the cold breeze. There were some retirees form our parish, even an office worker who was supposed to retire this year. I am sure that he must be very sore after hammering all day on the rafters.

They had a lot of fun while at the same time kept up the fast pace to keep warm and get the work done.

At noon they all congregated to the St Francis of Assisi church hall for a feast of turkey dinner with all the trimmings put out by the joint efforts of the CWL women, the parish council and the Lincoln Lion's Club and Lioness.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who made this event possible.

Even the media were invited to the dinner.

Strangers as far as Virginia USA and Withby Ontario sent us generous donations that made me cry. And a heartfelt thank you to them too for their generosity.

With a warmed heart on a cold day, Mamoo

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful gathering.
When I see how huge that barn is, I can't help to wonder where the weaving and ceramics studios are going to go...

Dani said...

I am so happy to see the barn going up. What an amazing community you have! I hope it gets done quickly so that you can start getting back into your normal routines.

KansasA said...

Beautiful! I'm so happy for your parents, the cows, and the wonderful people in your community :) Cheers to all!

Laritza said...

This is amazing! I can't wait to see the girls move in.