Here is the first of a few posts about the lake visit this year. Both a lot happened and very little happened. After my busy busy July, being at Skiff Lake was like being at Heaven on Earth.
Although it didn't start that way. About 15 minutes out of Fredericton, I realized that there was one key thing that I forgot. Bill was planning to stay in town for a few days to do some sorting of papers. He was the holder of the key. The kids learned a few new words that day.
You see where I am going here, eh?
However, I knew that my in laws and brother in law were planning on coming to the lake that day. The question was .... when. But we had food. We had bathing suits and one towel. We had access to the out house.... oh wait. No. The key to the out house was in the cottage which was.... locked. Hmmmm. We has kleenex and we had woods. We would survive.
Here is all of our stuff on the front porch.

While standing outside unloading things onto the porch, I heard the phone ring. Inside. Behind the locked door. Around this time a call was made from Woodstock to Fredericton and while on the phone, Bill suddenly realized that he hadn't given me a key. Thankfully this translated to the rescue came sooner rather than later. We didn't have to resort to frozen hot dogs. Thank heavens!
Life at the lake worked out well for the kids this year because the kids from a few doors down had the exact same weeks as we did. The twins from the other direction were there for the first week.
It is wonderful beyond belief to have kids who all play well together. Not only do they play well, but they are really nice kids . All of them are the type of kids that you want your kids to be friends with.
Heaven on Earth.

Our second day, a large frog was spotted.

The youngest girls pointing out the frog. See him? Or her? How can you really tell? And do I really want to go there?

One neighbour had borrowed a funky paddle boat. This was a propeller driven one instead of a paddle driven one. At first, I thought that it was a motor boat. Liam insisted that it was a paddle boat and after peering inside, I discovered that he was right!

More lake tomorrow.......