Yesterday morning, while checking my e-mail, there was a knock on the door. It was delivery man holding a box.

A slight turning revels the name "Victoria" along with "

I've been wanting a traveling wheel for quite a while and lately the time was (monetarily) right. So Victoria was
duly ordered and anxiously awaited.
She comes with her own carrying case that converts to a backpack.

Everything fits happily into the case and there is enough room to stuff fiber and a
kniddy knoddy too.

The set up was really quick and (so I've been told ) the take down is equally as quick. It is a little bit different from my old S10. It has scotch tension (which will take a little getting used to) and the bobbins are quite a bit smaller, but it is easy to
treadle and doesn't take up much space.
Unfortunately, the day was slightly
overshadowed by laundry.
Monday, while doing a load of laundry, there was a loud
CLUNKTHUNK, and things stopped happening. Ever hopeful, I stopped the machine and started it again. Maybe it would be just a badly unbalanced load.
Unfortunately, the same loud noise was heard and it was equally as disturbing.
Being handy with a screw driver, I undid the bottom
panel to see if anything came loose.
And boy oh boy!
Something really came loose!
See the two flat parts on the gray thing? Those are part of the concrete ring that acts as a
stabilizing device on the front loading washing machines. They are suppose to be level with the floor. They are so not.

I felt this
warranted further
investigation and so I took the top off. And this is what I found.

See the coiled spring? The hook on the bottom of it is suppose to be attached to the plastic casing that surrounds the drum. Do you see that beige cylinder that has the cord running through it? If you visually follow the cord down to the plastic liner, you will see that there is a little tear in the plastic where there is sort of a hump. That is where the spring is suppose to be. Not good.
Seeing as the wash was in the middle of a load of towels, and there was no quick fix for the machine, I loaded it in to the wagon and dragged it all to the nearest laundry mat, which, thankfully, is only about a ten minute walk.
I was talking to the world famous
Mamoo later the next day and she said that she could come and pick me up and we could go washing machine shopping together. So off we went.
And bought a new washing machine and dryer.

Ain't it pretty? It was the floor model so it was a good price. Or so it seemed.
Unfortunately when we got it in the house (which meant moving a hutch and book case) got it all plugged in and ready to go, pressed "Power" and......nothing. I downloaded a repair guide (seeing as there wasn't an owners manual) and looked and looked to see if there was something that we missed and ...nope. Calling it a night, we went to bed so as to be able to tackle the problem in the morning. Thankfully the
obnoxious noisy neighbours were, for once, quiet.
Morning comes and after coffee, Bill decides to take the top off thinking that maybe there was a wire that was jiggled loose in transit. And lo and behold, there are a whole bunch of loose wires.
In fact every wire that is suppose to go into the Central Control Unit which is the, let's call it, BRAINS OF THE MACHINE! And where was the Central Control Unit? Back in Mexico I guess. It certainly wasn't in my brand new washing machine.
Ohhhhhh. We are not amused.
What made the day even better was that one of my boys came down with the flu. And you with kids know that kids with flu mean , well, lets just call it laundry. I wasn't letting THAT sit around until tomorrow, or heaven knows when this whole mess get
straightened up. Being Canada Day, everything is closed today. Except for the laundry mat. So guess where I spent a quiet hour today.
Oh oh oh! I almost forgot the icing! Yesterday, the phone company sent someone to fix the neighbours phone line. There was something wrong with the voltage between the house and the pole so the whole line needed to be replaced. Fine. We had been having
sporadic problems over the past couple of weeks and I could live without the phone for an hour or so. The fellow came and checked our lines after he had done the "repair" and everything seemed fine.
Fast forward about 6 hours and suddenly the phones don't work. There is a hum. The neighbours phones are fine, so I use it to call the company and the earliest that they can get someone to come look at the line is Thursday. Holiday today, don't you know.
13 (or so) years ago, when the phone company was N.B. Tel, we had someone come and install a second line on a Sunday. Because there was always someone on call. Apparently
Alliant, or Bell
Alliant as they are now called, doesn't feel the same way about customer service.
Welcome to the new New World Economy. Where you pay top dollar for crappy service and a premium price for incomplete products.
Happy Canada Day!