Yesterday at the College was first year registration. There were 55 students, which is 15 less than there were suppose to be. And each student has to take 3 "studio exploration" classes from the available studios of Graphics, Fashion, Surface Design, Photo, Clay, Metals/Jewelry, and last (always) but not least, Fibre Arts, formerly known as Textiles. Before yesterday we had 4 students that had pre-registered, so our illustrious leader Linda, decided that we should set up a display so that people would know what we did. So that is what I did yesterday morning. Whipped the studio into shape and displayed all sorts of stuff. Spinning , weaving , yardage, felted fashion accesories as well as felted sculptures, baskets, both functional and conceptual, and colour colour colour! We also had Paula ( known as Pippi) and Jesse (our studio guy) there to talk to the new students and show that Fibre is not just for the females in the group. They are both second year students and did a great job as well as having some of their artwork out on display! They did a great job and really were helpful. Thanks guys!

Then we did the hard sell on the studio to the tours of new students who went through and we managed to boost our enrollment to 16, with 7 left to register. Not ideal, but at least the song and dance did it's work. Then in the afternoon, I did inventory which wasn't finished in the spring (Grrrrr). Inventory is second only to labeling slides as my least favorite tasks as Studio Tech. Then when I was done my work day, I had to go pick up the kids at my mom's where she informed me that she had left 3 boxes of cucumbers for me in my back shed. Home to eat a quick supper, then wash 600 pounds of cucumbers (slight exaggeration) and back to the college to take pictures for Linda and take everything down. Bought beer. Dropped Linda's piece off at her house, went to buy vinegar, then back home at which point I realize that I don't have enough snap lids so it's back to the store which is thankfully not very far away and back home yet again where Bill (bless him) has the big pot on the stove with water in it, cukes that need slicing, sliced and those that need spearing, speared. I had the kids peel the garlic earlier so that was all ready. Wash the jars and we are good to go. Which we did. 37 quarts +! I collapsed into bed at about 11:45 having sat down (driving time not included) about 45 minutes all day. Needless to say sleep came easily.