Friday, December 23, 2016

Just cause I feel that I should post at least 1 thing for 2016......

I = Rock
A statement on how humans resemble rocks in that rocks naturally have certain attributes and when an outside force is introduced they can become something else. A rock/words/whispers/intentions thrown in anger/hate/frustration can become a weapon.
This piece was part of "Pride of Place" 2016 Staff and Faculty show from New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. Opening at Saint John Art Centre January 13, 2017.

Autumnal Progression
An observance of the progression of the changes of the appearance of the Autumn hillsides covered with trees. 


David T. Macknet said...

We thought of you when we were in Teotihuacan, looking at weaving done using cactus fiber. Interesting and quite light, surprisingly. We, of course, wish we'd bought more while we were there!

Hope you're well!

Julia said...

How true of the analogy of rocks and humans.

Your Autumn Progression is beautiful but I wish winter was over with. I'm tired of it already. Ungrateful being that I am.
Happy New Year.

David T. Macknet said...

It has been many a year! Hope you're well!

Mia said...

Great reading yyour blog post