Yesterday, I opened the door to let the kids out to go to school, and found the long awaited for Yarn Aboard box!

I was really excited and automatically grabbed for it like a kid at Christmas. Then I paused. The babe still wasn't ready for play school, Bill needed to be driven to work or he would be late, I still had a few more things to do to get myself ready for work. I decided that I would enjoy opening The Box much more if I waited and was able to savour the things that came out. So I took a deep breath and stepped away to do the frantic morning thing and went to work. The Box was never far from my mind.
When I arrived home, there was supper to make and kids to talk to and Bill had the camera at work, so I had to wait for that too, but I did take a better look and what I thought was my pal's enthuastic wrapping job, was really a Canada Post plastic bag in which they wrap damaged parcels. On the out side of the bag, an appoligy. How Canadian.

Damage report, not to bad. No holes or rips, just some slight crushing. Magellan's vessel is still sea worthy.

And what did that wonderful explorer bring me? First to catch my eye is some beautiful Blue Faced Leicester in purples and blues dyed by Snake River Fiberworks, a friend of
Margene's in Idaho. Next was a beautiful drop spindle from Greensleaves Spindles in Utah. And then, I have to admit, the chocolate bars. I had to beat the kids away from those babies! One was shared around, but the other is all mine! There is also a book called Spinning in the Old Way which looks full of tricks and tips. I have taken a quick glance inside and have already learned something! There is also some ginger tangerine tea which is wonderful! I'm on a ginger tea kick right now and this is a welcome addition. And something new to me!
Cedar & Sage tea tree and mint cuticle bar. It is heaven on my hands! lastly a note pad and some post-it page markers for my new book. Thanks
Margene for a wonderful package!

Let's get a close up of that spindle and roving. I might actually have a few moments to give it a whirl (pun intended) later on today.

I have to say that this is the hardest post that I have ever had to write! Not because of the content, but because of the technology! Our home internet connection keeps timing out at inappropriate moments. When it is on it is slowslowslow. Then Blogger wouldn't let me up load pictures. Then my browser quit on me and took my post that was 75% finished. But all is good now! And Ferdinand Magellan will set sail on Tuesday for his next port of call. He'd go out tomorrow, but the government takes a holiday for Remembrance Day and all of the post offices will be closed.